2008年6月16日 星期一

Cliff Tsai Homework 3-29-2008

1. Read the abstract of Paper 3, 6 and 7. If possible, skim the whole paper.Summarize the papers briefly.

Paper 3: Social Network Analysis to Blog-based Online Communities
In this paper, student feedback is collected and behavior patterns analyzed based on social network theory. Students are satisfied to be able to archive the process in the class participation.Using blogs is found to simplify the tasks of reducing piracy.For the purpose of knowledge sharing blogs are a viable platform for ideas to float and grow.Blogs are easy to maintain, low cost, easy to deploy, and simple to get stared.

Paper 6:Mobile Computing for Indoor Wayfinding Based on Bluetooth Sensors for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments
Bluetooth operated in this discovery mode saves power, eliminate manual passkey challenges, and reduce privacy and security concern as the use does not expose her ID. Based on the Bluetooth beacon received, the position where the user is can be identified at the remote server and enable the way finding sequences. The Bluetooth sensors can automatically be read from several meters away and does not have to be in the line of sight of the reader.

Paper 7:The Authors created a prototype which was tested by the job coaches one month after the survey and extensive field study. The user feedback will be our guidelines to further improve the prototype. In the designed architecture, we provide four solutions as database of employers, database of employment service, database 289 of mental disabled persons, and software package for briefing candidate employers.This paper applied the technology of Web2.0 in an employment services system for individuals with mental impairments to make their organizational operation more efficient, called Nonprofit 2.0. and the prototype has been built and tested by the job coaches with significant success.
2. According to Chap. 6 of Textbook. what is a functional architecture of e-commerce systems?

The specification of these functional units and the interfaces between them defines the architecture of the system. The system architecture is the way it decomposes the system into functional units,There are four components of e-commerce systems:1) Client: computer system, typically a PC, which is connected to the internet. (e.g.: home PC)2) Merchant: This means that computer system or systems that contain the seller's electronic catalog and, in the case of online goods, products for over-the-Net fulfillment. (e.g.: servers).3) Transaction system: computer system that can process a particular order and that are responsible for payment, record keeping, and other business aspects of the transaction. (e.g.: application servers).
4) Payment gateway: computer system that routes payment instructions into existing financial networks such as for credit card authorization and settlement. (e.g.: resource managers).

3. Lab: PageRankPageRank is a tool for measuring the importance of websites. Given every URL, there is a PageRank value for it.

CNN http://www.cnn.com/ - PageRank: 9/10

New York Times http://www.nytimes.com - PageRank: 9/10
